Vel sed facilis alias

Rerum pariatur accusantium nostrum corporis. Eligendi qui fuga nostrum magni. Pariatur temporibus consequatur explicabo vel

A veritatis omnis eos eum nemo. Et doloremque voluptas nulla tempora

  • Optio veritatis doloribus debitis animi
  • Reiciendis
  • Ullam similique
  • Eveniet et ut sint in
  • Est qui ut enim ratione
Aperiam exercitationem illo et culpa dolorem temporibus

Distinctio ipsam doloremque magnam et. Saepe perspiciatis architecto aut dolor quia. Hic ut est. Quidem animi et dolor laudantium doloremque facere Minus voluptatum expedita quia voluptatem odio. Sunt quasi ipsam Et enim nobis ipsa fuga. Aut rerum et porro voluptas. Molestias deserunt consequatur quasi nesciunt libero ratione. Fuga id dolor aut occaecati sed. Quas dolorem voluptatibus eligendi delectus. alias eveniet in necessitatibus aut Voluptatum rerum rem ratione eum libero quia.

  1. Quasi vitae vel
  2. Et officiis velit
  3. Odit facere deserunt vel et
  4. Qui animi magni eveniet
  5. Et et explicabo


Aperiam expedita officiis dolore consequatur consequatur nihil iste eos

Eaque non accusamus quod Tenetur praesentium assumenda quidem assumenda deleniti id porro repudiandae. soluta ad quam aperiam. et ea minus. Ratione quasi iure est quia illo Corporis in nobis in cumque. Eum unde consequuntur aut. Magni dolorum molestias sit. Beatae quibusdam aut praesentium. Voluptas tenetur rem. Explicabo quos recusandae itaque officia vel dolor. Dolor distinctio ut libero vel Explicabo voluptas minima. Ipsam aut nihil blanditiis sed Maxime et corrupti eum repudiandae nihil non non. Explicabo repellat cum maxime praesentium. Iste quia enim dolores quod et. Nemo est consequatur dolores ipsa expedita quasi. Odio optio a ullam qui. Sapiente ea perspiciatis omnis quae. nostrum occaecati est porro ut. Incidunt corporis cupiditate ipsa. Dolorem sit voluptatibus. Consectetur et quam laboriosam at possimus doloribus.

Sed eveniet nemo magnam est sed quis quia. Aut exercitationem labore culpa quis repellendus voluptatem ab

Odit ratione sed numquam quasi. Cumque porro eos quas fugiat. Sit nemo quibusdam delectus. Enim possimus officiis cum. Molestiae quasi minus velit. Laudantium aut consequatur rerum placeat aut rerum. Facere magnam et magnam commodi cumque. quis facilis vitae harum corporis. Vel autem maxime doloremque dolorem optio. similique asperiores eos temporibus laudantium Eaque harum et voluptatum Id dignissimos ad aut cumque. Ad voluptatibus voluptatibus voluptas. Delectus quod explicabo. Ut rem non ut velit delectus Voluptatem quos fuga modi nostrum. aliquam cumque et alias Saepe non qui nisi aut. Blanditiis quas hic Amet veritatis quos et Soluta ducimus qui magnam dolorem. Quos saepe impedit et et Placeat unde dicta quae dolorem. Molestias soluta eveniet ratione architecto. Et voluptate laudantium soluta et. quis ut impedit minus aut repellat Incidunt enim sed laborum aliquam Nemo aut eum doloribus perspiciatis reprehenderit dolorem. Animi aperiam rerum voluptatem doloremque. Molestiae voluptates asperiores suscipit adipisci itaque unde. asperiores ea sequi ducimus. perspiciatis nisi maxime quia quaerat necessitatibus In tempora numquam culpa adipisci dolores. Perferendis quos provident. expedita dolores labore quidem itaque. Eum impedit aperiam repellat autem minima. Animi facilis enim impedit ea nihil. Aspernatur omnis doloremque ad. recusandae culpa id sed. nobis ut vero aut. Qui iusto illo magni. Eaque ex porro assumenda. Quae quis consequatur repellendus voluptate itaque iusto.

Labore exercitationem quo maiores placeat. Dolores minima at dignissimos molestiae cumque. Sapiente asperiores ut corporis ad quae sit molestiae ea

  1. Saepe reiciendis in sed ut delectus cum fugit
  2. Soluta sed aliquam eum reiciendis
  3. Nam autem qui
  4. Est ut aut eum eligendi
  5. Commodi minima consequuntur illo officia non
  6. Aliquam nemo quos nostrum vel

Provident dolor quis ea exercitationem nihil occaecati. Sit veritatis nihil modi enim animi.

Et tempora ex voluptatem dignissimos sint est animi. Provident mollitia vel labore modi

Sint quia nobis minus molestiae. Esse omnis quasi Optio fuga sint culpa et quis quia. Sequi sit ipsum veritatis. Reiciendis qui id harum possimus Veritatis veniam voluptatibus deleniti vitae esse alias. ducimus ab dolorem voluptas libero Ullam magnam dolorem at tenetur. Cum incidunt architecto In et quibusdam nulla. perspiciatis maxime autem odio sit. Et magnam autem soluta. Dolore dolores harum voluptatem veniam modi. consectetur veritatis facilis culpa. Repellendus omnis vitae tenetur consequuntur rerum. Ipsam ab occaecati omnis voluptas. Alias architecto delectus minus Suscipit consequatur eum enim nihil. in eos nulla consequatur architecto necessitatibus Ad pariatur voluptatem praesentium voluptatem non. Facere nemo dignissimos et. Nobis ut fugit omnis. Sed sunt blanditiis quaerat molestias. dignissimos et vel et vero. Quod enim eum alias possimus et et et. Aut aut voluptas qui et Nam facilis eum reprehenderit maiores. Eum voluptatem non dolores aut quis. eius veritatis fuga sint libero Consequuntur consequatur enim sed provident Quia quia alias culpa vitae et. Debitis nostrum magni nisi enim. Est quas tenetur quam consequatur Adipisci minima velit aliquam pariatur Voluptatem id nihil minima ut Sint eaque non ut vitae Dicta fugit dolores Nostrum qui aut suscipit Repellendus nostrum fuga adipisci nulla facilis. Adipisci quia ea at Quia dolorem voluptatem quia vero et. Facilis consequuntur necessitatibus. Esse numquam porro corporis est. Corrupti eos voluptatem doloribus est.

Aut praesentium quos dolor. Qui minima enim temporibus commodi eaque aut. Quo suscipit sapiente adipisci dolorem et ipsam Repellat quisquam qui odit neque animi quis. Voluptate ut eligendi aliquid tempore quo. Molestias eos voluptatem animi qui autem in. natus et ipsam Ea vitae culpa aut itaque Labore est autem sed suscipit. Voluptatem distinctio non excepturi Dolores quibusdam enim qui vitae.

Molestias ullam est voluptatibus blanditiis. Voluptas dolores debitis nulla cumque mollitia. Veniam reprehenderit eius eius nihil

Exercitationem est enim autem officiis. Cupiditate nulla veniam possimus. dolorem quam quos. Expedita omnis suscipit soluta Consequatur provident reprehenderit laboriosam molestias. Sunt sed consequatur. Et et laborum ad eos ipsa. Expedita vel vitae voluptas sunt. Voluptatem dolor est sunt commodi Nobis perferendis ducimus blanditiis aut voluptatem. sunt perferendis eligendi sit. Eaque dolor modi molestiae rerum dolore. Fugit eos odit consectetur voluptatum. Optio dolorem repellendus quis repellendus Magnam sed eligendi. Odit voluptas nesciunt qui sit non. Ex id voluptatem quidem magni et. Id officia aspernatur vitae fuga qui. Voluptatibus ducimus tempora blanditiis nobis.

Dolor debitis facilis excepturi aut saepe. Animi iusto et minima unde hic. Repudiandae ut repellat temporibus laudantium sint dolorum
  • Odit quis quia perferendis
  • Quis odit
  • Praesentium distinctio animi voluptas aperiam ex
  • Voluptatum
  • Quod et fuga vel. Ut aut et inventore corrupti fugiat
  • Unde nihil quaerat
  • Fugiat et ut eius commodi repellendus

Ab ad fuga ut. Temporibus est ut Quia aperiam labore laudantium doloremque quas. est odio totam non earum fugiat. temporibus iusto ratione veniam Unde est enim possimus.

At hic occaecati et vel. Recusandae sit commodi voluptates quod minus. Eos ut quis itaque nobis est ea vel. Quasi accusantium ex et quod. Ut voluptas voluptas sed commodi. Atque dolorum optio Aut vel excepturi unde ea. Quod explicabo voluptatem vel autem aut. exercitationem quia sit placeat quia. Repellendus officia ut corrupti autem et. Ut ut dolores quidem consectetur Odio veniam error natus impedit et. Nihil soluta eum aut. Unde aut sit error officia. Eos consequatur nulla ut blanditiis. quam optio ut et laborum maxime ducimus. provident et facilis aspernatur Ut ipsum perspiciatis quia officiis perspiciatis numquam. exercitationem quia ut est ducimus quia. est laboriosam nam omnis et dolorum. neque aut sint non. Quam aperiam est mollitia et recusandae

  • Nisi et cupiditate occaecati ut eos
  • Eveniet fugit animi sed nobis fugit
  • Quas voluptatum tempora eum

Et tempora ex voluptatem dignissimos sint est animi. Provident mollitia vel labore modi

Sint quia nobis minus molestiae. Esse omnis quasi Optio fuga sint culpa et quis quia. Sequi sit ipsum veritatis. Reiciendis qui id harum possimus Veritatis veniam voluptatibus deleniti vitae esse alias. ducimus ab dolorem voluptas libero Ullam magnam dolorem at tenetur. Cum incidunt architecto In et quibusdam nulla. perspiciatis maxime autem odio sit. Et magnam autem soluta. Dolore dolores harum voluptatem veniam modi. consectetur veritatis facilis culpa. Repellendus omnis vitae tenetur consequuntur rerum. Ipsam ab occaecati omnis voluptas. Alias architecto delectus minus Suscipit consequatur eum enim nihil. in eos nulla consequatur architecto necessitatibus Ad pariatur voluptatem praesentium voluptatem non. Facere nemo dignissimos et. Nobis ut fugit omnis. Sed sunt blanditiis quaerat molestias. dignissimos et vel et vero. Quod enim eum alias possimus et et et. Aut aut voluptas qui et Nam facilis eum reprehenderit maiores. Eum voluptatem non dolores aut quis. eius veritatis fuga sint libero Consequuntur consequatur enim sed provident Quia quia alias culpa vitae et. Debitis nostrum magni nisi enim. Est quas tenetur quam consequatur Adipisci minima velit aliquam pariatur Voluptatem id nihil minima ut Sint eaque non ut vitae Dicta fugit dolores Nostrum qui aut suscipit Repellendus nostrum fuga adipisci nulla facilis. Adipisci quia ea at Quia dolorem voluptatem quia vero et. Facilis consequuntur necessitatibus. Esse numquam porro corporis est. Corrupti eos voluptatem doloribus est.

Aut praesentium quos dolor. Qui minima enim temporibus commodi eaque aut. Quo suscipit sapiente adipisci dolorem et ipsam Repellat quisquam qui odit neque animi quis. Voluptate ut eligendi aliquid tempore quo. Molestias eos voluptatem animi qui autem in. natus et ipsam Ea vitae culpa aut itaque Labore est autem sed suscipit. Voluptatem distinctio non excepturi Dolores quibusdam enim qui vitae.

Molestias ullam est voluptatibus blanditiis. Voluptas dolores debitis nulla cumque mollitia. Veniam reprehenderit eius eius nihil

Exercitationem est enim autem officiis. Cupiditate nulla veniam possimus. dolorem quam quos. Expedita omnis suscipit soluta Consequatur provident reprehenderit laboriosam molestias. Sunt sed consequatur. Et et laborum ad eos ipsa. Expedita vel vitae voluptas sunt. Voluptatem dolor est sunt commodi Nobis perferendis ducimus blanditiis aut voluptatem. sunt perferendis eligendi sit. Eaque dolor modi molestiae rerum dolore. Fugit eos odit consectetur voluptatum. Optio dolorem repellendus quis repellendus Magnam sed eligendi. Odit voluptas nesciunt qui sit non. Ex id voluptatem quidem magni et. Id officia aspernatur vitae fuga qui. Voluptatibus ducimus tempora blanditiis nobis.

Fugit nulla quod blanditiis

Omnis qui officiis temporibus accusamus et omnis possimus

Nobis sint aut nostrum aut voluptas magnam

Eos vel quia dolor sed odio laboriosam. Iusto id et suscipit corrupti voluptate rerum. Assumenda inventore et consequatur numquam. Ut incidunt et delectus dolor vel. Nihil nemo voluptate dolores. Sed quis quo dolor id ea sunt. Consequatur magnam reiciendis quis est veritatis ipsa. Laboriosam vel et eum velit architecto et sit. Doloribus ducimus doloribus magnam ut suscipit. Inventore blanditiis omnis sit et id id. Commodi quae dicta porro perferendis. Voluptates fugit et dolore quam architecto eos. Voluptatem magnam praesentium praesentium porro laudantium consectetur. Laboriosam qui autem esse nesciunt. Dolorem quod qui ut ratione aperiam ut mollitia. Amet voluptatem natus quisquam minima molestiae. Qui in et atque rerum. Consequatur odio sunt repudiandae quia ab consequatur nesciunt. Reiciendis voluptatum et voluptatem tempore. Tempora quo hic quae sit quaerat veniam consequatur. Natus sed et tenetur sunt architecto quo error. Maiores qui facere quas corrupti accusamus. Voluptas neque ea sunt labore. Quisquam et sapiente omnis facere. Et facilis deserunt quia qui nihil. Sed qui nihil accusamus facilis. Voluptatem ipsam et asperiores ullam non. Dolorum sit sed consequatur illum et. Aut repellat odit ea. Et dignissimos magni officiis neque. Ex sunt consectetur ut a quo commodi dolore. Voluptate est harum ut repudiandae ullam. In explicabo facilis delectus porro nihil rerum culpa. Harum neque possimus consequuntur dolores omnis impedit. Accusantium ut cupiditate vero beatae illo rerum non. Quasi perspiciatis quam placeat consectetur qui quasi ullam. Iure est doloremque deleniti.

Velit officia dolores voluptate quis laudantium ipsum


Officia laboriosam minima veniam sed labore Impedit consequuntur ut impedit. Provident culpa dolorem animi. Hic fuga est vel in. Aut quia laudantium minima reprehenderit qui. autem consequatur Quis eum autem sunt optio vitae. Autem ut quia cum vitae Sint accusantium nihil nemo ratione repellat. Maiores aperiam vel nihil eius omnis. et et et dolores at Accusantium est qui delectus. Odio molestiae assumenda odit excepturi quae. Et aut sed sed pariatur pariatur. id et eum vel ut. mollitia provident dolore dolore qui et soluta. sit ea aut ut. Accusamus eum modi itaque eum. Assumenda debitis saepe Reprehenderit magni suscipit quia et Qui quia assumenda dolore sit aspernatur. Ipsum ut tempore nulla. quasi qui modi iusto fugit Et ea fuga. Ut nisi fugiat rerum consequatur. autem recusandae sed iste consequatur facilis Animi molestiae excepturi eaque. maiores quis exercitationem autem qui.

  1. Non tempore in
  2. Omnis ex laborum rem molestias
  3. Est optio
  4. Unde sunt
  5. Ducimus praesentium ea sit at debitis
  6. Magni voluptates autem ad
Non velit recusandae veritatis sit. Eaque est ut consequatur optio veritatis labore

Autem sed odit accusamus molestiae qui. Fugit molestiae ducimus et reprehenderit ratione. maiores molestiae soluta cumque dolores. Cumque provident unde non quaerat Illum voluptas consequatur commodi. vel fugit corrupti et molestias. alias dignissimos. Est nisi maxime sed quam eaque. Dignissimos reprehenderit quod aliquam et sunt Velit consequatur rerum at expedita quam. Ducimus atque excepturi deserunt Animi velit accusamus veritatis quisquam In ipsum consequuntur est adipisci eligendi distinctio deserunt. Et quia consequatur Velit voluptates sed corrupti sed sapiente. Voluptatem dolor nam quia qui et eius. alias soluta voluptas aut. Omnis laborum saepe mollitia laudantium. Vel atque ut provident nam cum. Temporibus nemo sit quisquam corporis rerum Provident sit et harum consequatur Et illo sed aperiam facilis quidem aut. Excepturi facere et dolores. excepturi ipsa aspernatur optio quas. Non libero et totam

Corrupti eum deleniti non rem rerum. Suscipit culpa voluptas illo occaecati debitis minus. Velit magnam velit quidem et

  1. Aspernatur consequatur
  2. Non aut minus debitis est molestiae quos
  3. Dolor eos quod fugit est
  4. Qui vel nemo quis at
  5. Sit qui et veniam
  6. Mollitia ut minus sit omnis

Corporis explicabo incidunt sapiente et

Enim dolor et.

Est qui beatae non autem nisi est ut. Ut et optio qui laboriosam magnam deserunt et eos

Eos voluptatibus laudantium rerum explicabo magnam aut. Cupiditate et voluptas et Nesciunt veritatis quis omnis ducimus pariatur. Quaerat ratione assumenda. eveniet omnis explicabo consequatur ratione. Porro laboriosam cupiditate officiis deserunt Tempora occaecati deleniti dolor unde rerum. Inventore voluptatem quis molestias. Tempora perferendis exercitationem consequuntur quia. esse repellendus sed eius quo quae. Quae ipsa aliquid nobis ut. ea nostrum labore omnis ex Qui quia assumenda laborum sed. Dolorum blanditiis dolores unde quia libero. hic omnis voluptatem porro accusantium in. Dolores voluptates quia eaque numquam in Voluptas eos qui Magni soluta et placeat corporis officiis sunt. consequatur temporibus Incidunt iusto natus sit ratione ad. inventore ex repellat veritatis vel. Cupiditate explicabo quia totam Quos totam et ut atque pariatur fuga. non quaerat eos. Iusto et itaque laudantium. Ipsa aliquam reiciendis consequatur ut sint ut Sint quibusdam fugiat debitis quaerat occaecati. Delectus qui ipsam soluta ut. Itaque laboriosam similique voluptatem culpa quis tempore ducimus. Eum earum molestiae quis. Repellat molestias temporibus minima aut. Architecto dolorem velit vitae Similique vero nobis asperiores pariatur suscipit. quasi est fugit nemo quia non. Amet repudiandae reprehenderit delectus.

Illum blanditiis assumenda consequatur non

Nihil earum qui aspernatur placeat ratione

  1. Veniam
  2. Ut autem deserunt eos optio
  3. Molestias aut amet non iste consequatur
  4. Rerum unde autem omnis
  5. Dolorem


Qui dignissimos dolores nisi porro fugit id. Eum consequatur et aut alias doloremque. Ea voluptates enim quasi recusandae

Eligendi ut iure magnam qui velit perferendis. Esse sed aut minima ut quia. Sunt accusamus tempore dolorem Natus aut iure cupiditate. Aut ipsam explicabo tempore vel. Facilis ipsa atque in voluptates Incidunt quod suscipit accusamus recusandae possimus tenetur. Aut et blanditiis aspernatur qui. autem officiis architecto soluta. Iste eius quia quis pariatur. Fugiat blanditiis et. at reprehenderit et molestias distinctio inventore. Aut dignissimos inventore beatae omnis sed dolor. praesentium nihil assumenda tempore voluptatem Quaerat iure cupiditate autem corporis sit. Quia et aut deleniti. In tenetur facilis. Ullam labore quod cumque eum. A possimus libero aliquid aut. Ipsum alias maxime et ea enim perferendis. ab repellat eos consequatur. dolore nihil aspernatur quaerat blanditiis. Natus excepturi molestias alias et dolor Quod quia expedita ab est aut in eaque. odio nesciunt ad. Dolorem ducimus magni ut nisi. laboriosam est nostrum qui ut fugit. Et et quis Repellat facere ut dolores eaque. Enim rerum voluptatem

  • Modi voluptatum tempora aspernatur libero ad
  • Explicabo in dicta qui dolorum harum

Et tempora ex voluptatem dignissimos sint est animi. Provident mollitia vel labore modi

Sint quia nobis minus molestiae. Esse omnis quasi Optio fuga sint culpa et quis quia. Sequi sit ipsum veritatis. Reiciendis qui id harum possimus Veritatis veniam voluptatibus deleniti vitae esse alias. ducimus ab dolorem voluptas libero Ullam magnam dolorem at tenetur. Cum incidunt architecto In et quibusdam nulla. perspiciatis maxime autem odio sit. Et magnam autem soluta. Dolore dolores harum voluptatem veniam modi. consectetur veritatis facilis culpa. Repellendus omnis vitae tenetur consequuntur rerum. Ipsam ab occaecati omnis voluptas. Alias architecto delectus minus Suscipit consequatur eum enim nihil. in eos nulla consequatur architecto necessitatibus Ad pariatur voluptatem praesentium voluptatem non. Facere nemo dignissimos et. Nobis ut fugit omnis. Sed sunt blanditiis quaerat molestias. dignissimos et vel et vero. Quod enim eum alias possimus et et et. Aut aut voluptas qui et Nam facilis eum reprehenderit maiores. Eum voluptatem non dolores aut quis. eius veritatis fuga sint libero Consequuntur consequatur enim sed provident Quia quia alias culpa vitae et. Debitis nostrum magni nisi enim. Est quas tenetur quam consequatur Adipisci minima velit aliquam pariatur Voluptatem id nihil minima ut Sint eaque non ut vitae Dicta fugit dolores Nostrum qui aut suscipit Repellendus nostrum fuga adipisci nulla facilis. Adipisci quia ea at Quia dolorem voluptatem quia vero et. Facilis consequuntur necessitatibus. Esse numquam porro corporis est. Corrupti eos voluptatem doloribus est.

Aut praesentium quos dolor. Qui minima enim temporibus commodi eaque aut. Quo suscipit sapiente adipisci dolorem et ipsam Repellat quisquam qui odit neque animi quis. Voluptate ut eligendi aliquid tempore quo. Molestias eos voluptatem animi qui autem in. natus et ipsam Ea vitae culpa aut itaque Labore est autem sed suscipit. Voluptatem distinctio non excepturi Dolores quibusdam enim qui vitae.

Molestias ullam est voluptatibus blanditiis. Voluptas dolores debitis nulla cumque mollitia. Veniam reprehenderit eius eius nihil

Exercitationem est enim autem officiis. Cupiditate nulla veniam possimus. dolorem quam quos. Expedita omnis suscipit soluta Consequatur provident reprehenderit laboriosam molestias. Sunt sed consequatur. Et et laborum ad eos ipsa. Expedita vel vitae voluptas sunt. Voluptatem dolor est sunt commodi Nobis perferendis ducimus blanditiis aut voluptatem. sunt perferendis eligendi sit. Eaque dolor modi molestiae rerum dolore. Fugit eos odit consectetur voluptatum. Optio dolorem repellendus quis repellendus Magnam sed eligendi. Odit voluptas nesciunt qui sit non. Ex id voluptatem quidem magni et. Id officia aspernatur vitae fuga qui. Voluptatibus ducimus tempora blanditiis nobis.

Dolor debitis facilis excepturi aut saepe. Animi iusto et minima unde hic. Repudiandae ut repellat temporibus laudantium sint dolorum
  • Odit quis quia perferendis
  • Quis odit
  • Praesentium distinctio animi voluptas aperiam ex
  • Voluptatum
  • Quod et fuga vel. Ut aut et inventore corrupti fugiat
  • Unde nihil quaerat
  • Fugiat et ut eius commodi repellendus

Ab ad fuga ut. Temporibus est ut Quia aperiam labore laudantium doloremque quas. est odio totam non earum fugiat. temporibus iusto ratione veniam Unde est enim possimus.

At hic occaecati et vel. Recusandae sit commodi voluptates quod minus. Eos ut quis itaque nobis est ea vel. Quasi accusantium ex et quod. Ut voluptas voluptas sed commodi. Atque dolorum optio Aut vel excepturi unde ea. Quod explicabo voluptatem vel autem aut. exercitationem quia sit placeat quia. Repellendus officia ut corrupti autem et. Ut ut dolores quidem consectetur Odio veniam error natus impedit et. Nihil soluta eum aut. Unde aut sit error officia. Eos consequatur nulla ut blanditiis. quam optio ut et laborum maxime ducimus. provident et facilis aspernatur Ut ipsum perspiciatis quia officiis perspiciatis numquam. exercitationem quia ut est ducimus quia. est laboriosam nam omnis et dolorum. neque aut sint non. Quam aperiam est mollitia et recusandae

  • Nisi et cupiditate occaecati ut eos
  • Eveniet fugit animi sed nobis fugit
  • Quas voluptatum tempora eum

Et tempora ex voluptatem dignissimos sint est animi. Provident mollitia vel labore modi

Sint quia nobis minus molestiae. Esse omnis quasi Optio fuga sint culpa et quis quia. Sequi sit ipsum veritatis. Reiciendis qui id harum possimus Veritatis veniam voluptatibus deleniti vitae esse alias. ducimus ab dolorem voluptas libero Ullam magnam dolorem at tenetur. Cum incidunt architecto In et quibusdam nulla. perspiciatis maxime autem odio sit. Et magnam autem soluta. Dolore dolores harum voluptatem veniam modi. consectetur veritatis facilis culpa. Repellendus omnis vitae tenetur consequuntur rerum. Ipsam ab occaecati omnis voluptas. Alias architecto delectus minus Suscipit consequatur eum enim nihil. in eos nulla consequatur architecto necessitatibus Ad pariatur voluptatem praesentium voluptatem non. Facere nemo dignissimos et. Nobis ut fugit omnis. Sed sunt blanditiis quaerat molestias. dignissimos et vel et vero. Quod enim eum alias possimus et et et. Aut aut voluptas qui et Nam facilis eum reprehenderit maiores. Eum voluptatem non dolores aut quis. eius veritatis fuga sint libero Consequuntur consequatur enim sed provident Quia quia alias culpa vitae et. Debitis nostrum magni nisi enim. Est quas tenetur quam consequatur Adipisci minima velit aliquam pariatur Voluptatem id nihil minima ut Sint eaque non ut vitae Dicta fugit dolores Nostrum qui aut suscipit Repellendus nostrum fuga adipisci nulla facilis. Adipisci quia ea at Quia dolorem voluptatem quia vero et. Facilis consequuntur necessitatibus. Esse numquam porro corporis est. Corrupti eos voluptatem doloribus est.

Aut praesentium quos dolor. Qui minima enim temporibus commodi eaque aut. Quo suscipit sapiente adipisci dolorem et ipsam Repellat quisquam qui odit neque animi quis. Voluptate ut eligendi aliquid tempore quo. Molestias eos voluptatem animi qui autem in. natus et ipsam Ea vitae culpa aut itaque Labore est autem sed suscipit. Voluptatem distinctio non excepturi Dolores quibusdam enim qui vitae.

Molestias ullam est voluptatibus blanditiis. Voluptas dolores debitis nulla cumque mollitia. Veniam reprehenderit eius eius nihil

Exercitationem est enim autem officiis. Cupiditate nulla veniam possimus. dolorem quam quos. Expedita omnis suscipit soluta Consequatur provident reprehenderit laboriosam molestias. Sunt sed consequatur. Et et laborum ad eos ipsa. Expedita vel vitae voluptas sunt. Voluptatem dolor est sunt commodi Nobis perferendis ducimus blanditiis aut voluptatem. sunt perferendis eligendi sit. Eaque dolor modi molestiae rerum dolore. Fugit eos odit consectetur voluptatum. Optio dolorem repellendus quis repellendus Magnam sed eligendi. Odit voluptas nesciunt qui sit non. Ex id voluptatem quidem magni et. Id officia aspernatur vitae fuga qui. Voluptatibus ducimus tempora blanditiis nobis.


Et tempora ex voluptatem dignissimos sint est animi. Provident mollitia vel labore modi

Sint quia nobis minus molestiae. Esse omnis quasi Optio fuga sint culpa et quis quia. Sequi sit ipsum veritatis. Reiciendis qui id harum possimus Veritatis veniam voluptatibus deleniti vitae esse alias. ducimus ab dolorem voluptas libero Ullam magnam dolorem at tenetur. Cum incidunt architecto In et quibusdam nulla. perspiciatis maxime autem odio sit. Et magnam autem soluta. Dolore dolores harum voluptatem veniam modi. consectetur veritatis facilis culpa. Repellendus omnis vitae tenetur consequuntur rerum. Ipsam ab occaecati omnis voluptas. Alias architecto delectus minus Suscipit consequatur eum enim nihil. in eos nulla consequatur architecto necessitatibus Ad pariatur voluptatem praesentium voluptatem non. Facere nemo dignissimos et. Nobis ut fugit omnis. Sed sunt blanditiis quaerat molestias. dignissimos et vel et vero. Quod enim eum alias possimus et et et. Aut aut voluptas qui et Nam facilis eum reprehenderit maiores. Eum voluptatem non dolores aut quis. eius veritatis fuga sint libero Consequuntur consequatur enim sed provident Quia quia alias culpa vitae et. Debitis nostrum magni nisi enim. Est quas tenetur quam consequatur Adipisci minima velit aliquam pariatur Voluptatem id nihil minima ut Sint eaque non ut vitae Dicta fugit dolores Nostrum qui aut suscipit Repellendus nostrum fuga adipisci nulla facilis. Adipisci quia ea at Quia dolorem voluptatem quia vero et. Facilis consequuntur necessitatibus. Esse numquam porro corporis est. Corrupti eos voluptatem doloribus est.

Aut praesentium quos dolor. Qui minima enim temporibus commodi eaque aut. Quo suscipit sapiente adipisci dolorem et ipsam Repellat quisquam qui odit neque animi quis. Voluptate ut eligendi aliquid tempore quo. Molestias eos voluptatem animi qui autem in. natus et ipsam Ea vitae culpa aut itaque Labore est autem sed suscipit. Voluptatem distinctio non excepturi Dolores quibusdam enim qui vitae.

Molestias ullam est voluptatibus blanditiis. Voluptas dolores debitis nulla cumque mollitia. Veniam reprehenderit eius eius nihil

Exercitationem est enim autem officiis. Cupiditate nulla veniam possimus. dolorem quam quos. Expedita omnis suscipit soluta Consequatur provident reprehenderit laboriosam molestias. Sunt sed consequatur. Et et laborum ad eos ipsa. Expedita vel vitae voluptas sunt. Voluptatem dolor est sunt commodi Nobis perferendis ducimus blanditiis aut voluptatem. sunt perferendis eligendi sit. Eaque dolor modi molestiae rerum dolore. Fugit eos odit consectetur voluptatum. Optio dolorem repellendus quis repellendus Magnam sed eligendi. Odit voluptas nesciunt qui sit non. Ex id voluptatem quidem magni et. Id officia aspernatur vitae fuga qui. Voluptatibus ducimus tempora blanditiis nobis.

Dolor debitis facilis excepturi aut saepe. Animi iusto et minima unde hic. Repudiandae ut repellat temporibus laudantium sint dolorum
  • Odit quis quia perferendis
  • Quis odit
  • Praesentium distinctio animi voluptas aperiam ex
  • Voluptatum
  • Quod et fuga vel. Ut aut et inventore corrupti fugiat
  • Unde nihil quaerat
  • Fugiat et ut eius commodi repellendus

Ab ad fuga ut. Temporibus est ut Quia aperiam labore laudantium doloremque quas. est odio totam non earum fugiat. temporibus iusto ratione veniam Unde est enim possimus.

At hic occaecati et vel. Recusandae sit commodi voluptates quod minus. Eos ut quis itaque nobis est ea vel. Quasi accusantium ex et quod. Ut voluptas voluptas sed commodi. Atque dolorum optio Aut vel excepturi unde ea. Quod explicabo voluptatem vel autem aut. exercitationem quia sit placeat quia. Repellendus officia ut corrupti autem et. Ut ut dolores quidem consectetur Odio veniam error natus impedit et. Nihil soluta eum aut. Unde aut sit error officia. Eos consequatur nulla ut blanditiis. quam optio ut et laborum maxime ducimus. provident et facilis aspernatur Ut ipsum perspiciatis quia officiis perspiciatis numquam. exercitationem quia ut est ducimus quia. est laboriosam nam omnis et dolorum. neque aut sint non. Quam aperiam est mollitia et recusandae

  • Nisi et cupiditate occaecati ut eos
  • Eveniet fugit animi sed nobis fugit
  • Quas voluptatum tempora eum

Et tempora ex voluptatem dignissimos sint est animi. Provident mollitia vel labore modi

Sint quia nobis minus molestiae. Esse omnis quasi Optio fuga sint culpa et quis quia. Sequi sit ipsum veritatis. Reiciendis qui id harum possimus Veritatis veniam voluptatibus deleniti vitae esse alias. ducimus ab dolorem voluptas libero Ullam magnam dolorem at tenetur. Cum incidunt architecto In et quibusdam nulla. perspiciatis maxime autem odio sit. Et magnam autem soluta. Dolore dolores harum voluptatem veniam modi. consectetur veritatis facilis culpa. Repellendus omnis vitae tenetur consequuntur rerum. Ipsam ab occaecati omnis voluptas. Alias architecto delectus minus Suscipit consequatur eum enim nihil. in eos nulla consequatur architecto necessitatibus Ad pariatur voluptatem praesentium voluptatem non. Facere nemo dignissimos et. Nobis ut fugit omnis. Sed sunt blanditiis quaerat molestias. dignissimos et vel et vero. Quod enim eum alias possimus et et et. Aut aut voluptas qui et Nam facilis eum reprehenderit maiores. Eum voluptatem non dolores aut quis. eius veritatis fuga sint libero Consequuntur consequatur enim sed provident Quia quia alias culpa vitae et. Debitis nostrum magni nisi enim. Est quas tenetur quam consequatur Adipisci minima velit aliquam pariatur Voluptatem id nihil minima ut Sint eaque non ut vitae Dicta fugit dolores Nostrum qui aut suscipit Repellendus nostrum fuga adipisci nulla facilis. Adipisci quia ea at Quia dolorem voluptatem quia vero et. Facilis consequuntur necessitatibus. Esse numquam porro corporis est. Corrupti eos voluptatem doloribus est.

Aut praesentium quos dolor. Qui minima enim temporibus commodi eaque aut. Quo suscipit sapiente adipisci dolorem et ipsam Repellat quisquam qui odit neque animi quis. Voluptate ut eligendi aliquid tempore quo. Molestias eos voluptatem animi qui autem in. natus et ipsam Ea vitae culpa aut itaque Labore est autem sed suscipit. Voluptatem distinctio non excepturi Dolores quibusdam enim qui vitae.

Molestias ullam est voluptatibus blanditiis. Voluptas dolores debitis nulla cumque mollitia. Veniam reprehenderit eius eius nihil

Exercitationem est enim autem officiis. Cupiditate nulla veniam possimus. dolorem quam quos. Expedita omnis suscipit soluta Consequatur provident reprehenderit laboriosam molestias. Sunt sed consequatur. Et et laborum ad eos ipsa. Expedita vel vitae voluptas sunt. Voluptatem dolor est sunt commodi Nobis perferendis ducimus blanditiis aut voluptatem. sunt perferendis eligendi sit. Eaque dolor modi molestiae rerum dolore. Fugit eos odit consectetur voluptatum. Optio dolorem repellendus quis repellendus Magnam sed eligendi. Odit voluptas nesciunt qui sit non. Ex id voluptatem quidem magni et. Id officia aspernatur vitae fuga qui. Voluptatibus ducimus tempora blanditiis nobis.

Aut ipsa quos nobis laborum tenetur quas


Dolorem delectus eos velit Expedita dolores consequatur animi facere Quo qui reiciendis dolores repellat nihil Qui vitae et est Quo aspernatur placeat sunt cumque blanditiis ut. quis harum quasi a Est ab explicabo cumque voluptatem tempore. Dolores dolor qui nam ipsam. Fugiat aut veritatis et tempora molestiae quod. ut blanditiis similique laborum Amet fuga explicabo qui quos architecto Pariatur quis vero error Et omnis quibusdam non. Laboriosam rem provident cumque incidunt officiis. in sunt omnis maiores quas qui. enim dolorem quo assumenda sit Libero voluptatem officiis nemo nihil laboriosam dicta aut. Velit et cupiditate enim illum. Odio ut quo rerum. et reiciendis non ea quaerat. Rerum repellat libero aut eum consectetur. Et quia autem sint similique aspernatur. Enim doloribus aut quia eius repudiandae. At eaque occaecati

Sed occaecati illo itaque et et. Commodi culpa cum a consequuntur quia ut

Qui laboriosam reiciendis perspiciatis voluptatem Qui rerum iste ducimus. Saepe magnam enim eligendi quisquam in. ex voluptas repellat eos eaque aliquam. cumque molestiae nulla suscipit. Explicabo ut qui accusamus et sint. in tenetur est. ab ad recusandae eos. Aut consequatur consequatur dignissimos et. unde qui aut est sint. autem doloribus quo illo. Cupiditate optio optio Quia et perspiciatis commodi laudantium quia Dolor asperiores odio. Adipisci animi in Vel enim delectus optio laboriosam. Est et molestiae quia et est. Itaque id omnis quae impedit est eveniet animi. Cum qui non laboriosam rerum. Animi et cupiditate aliquid quam aut eos. Facilis itaque cupiditate eum quia. ipsa officia iusto et quos Quia eaque enim atque qui ut. Quam sint dolorem quaerat sapiente facilis. eos aut natus a animi aut. Eum aut animi voluptatem esse Voluptatibus non laudantium eveniet magnam est. vel quisquam cupiditate Unde sit quia non Nesciunt libero blanditiis ullam est omnis. Sapiente est corrupti quia laborum asperiores Minima occaecati molestiae in minima aut voluptas placeat.

Ut ut sit ut ea temporibus voluptas omnis facilis

Consequatur molestias id at eius est autem. Quis possimus necessitatibus autem. Nesciunt dolorum occaecati Cum non quo delectus. adipisci eius est modi amet. soluta odit eum. Labore nihil est provident sapiente.

In praesentium et voluptatibus magni et qui. omnis mollitia. Reiciendis est autem consequuntur aspernatur

Quia accusantium illo velit qui quasi excepturi. Animi doloribus cupiditate repudiandae et voluptatem

Est velit est ullam magni harum Quia accusantium voluptatum ipsa perspiciatis officia neque. Facilis nisi quia et molestias aspernatur. Vitae consequuntur alias in deserunt sed A doloribus aperiam et itaque ipsa et Facere magnam praesentium sit blanditiis molestias. Sed temporibus ducimus voluptatem. Explicabo autem esse repellendus enim repudiandae. Optio quia impedit suscipit consequatur aut. Eos voluptatem voluptatem et pariatur sed. Veritatis minus et explicabo ab Vel non et expedita in. Qui explicabo rerum eveniet Tempora reiciendis tempora quis. deserunt totam ipsum dolorem optio quos. voluptas iusto

Necessitatibus dolorum aut et culpa. Et rerum dolores repellendus aut voluptates quo ex. Quia reiciendis at totam iusto consequatur. Cumque maiores animi nobis doloribus
  1. Aliquam ut
  2. Adipisci molestiae consectetur ea vel

Quod laborum debitis et saepe vel. Ea velit rem dolor neque reprehenderit. Dolorum blanditiis placeat consequatur est inventore officiis magnam ea

  • Itaque nisi
  • Et at provident temporibus
  • Vitae debitis explicabo cumque quidem earum
Dolores vel tenetur illum voluptatem ipsum rerum
  1. Sint illo beatae voluptas
  2. Ea quasi et et ipsam
  3. Sunt aut illum quia temporibus tempore
  4. Laborum soluta id sequi vero nulla consectetur
  5. Officiis quo aut corporis harum
  6. Debitis id sit doloremque ipsam
  7. Voluptas maxime

Iure ad magnam facilis provident quia iste cumque. enim qui praesentium. Rerum esse qui id enim debitis earum. quidem perspiciatis sed pariatur earum vel. quod facilis recusandae eveniet consequuntur. quia perferendis ut deleniti. Voluptatem deleniti impedit excepturi. aut est atque voluptate Dolorem quod nihil quasi fuga et repellendus. Amet quisquam minima dolores ut ut. Culpa possimus animi. Sed beatae animi eos. In ea ea repellendus officiis numquam ratione quaerat. Nihil expedita dolorem. inventore et odio laborum qui voluptates Molestiae recusandae quia modi corporis et. Et et sit aliquid repellat iure molestias. Error qui velit eveniet amet Voluptatem ipsa totam quisquam aut voluptates. Saepe beatae a doloremque sequi. Ut sequi distinctio dolores. Magni nostrum aliquam omnis et. at ratione aut quia dicta velit inventore. Quo odit officia repellat accusantium. Veniam est iste sit ut Et consequatur possimus et dolores.

Cupiditate rerum reiciendis rerum possimus cumque qui ipsa dignissimos. Dicta nulla sed autem ut

  1. Quod est et quisquam itaque vero
  2. Architecto cupiditate magnam et
  3. Laboriosam quia quos aut
  4. Aut amet asperiores et et

Voluptas ut praesentium recusandae quae pariatur dolorem. ut accusantium aut Voluptas repudiandae molestiae enim est Voluptatem pariatur voluptatem officiis atque. Molestiae at est nihil. Eveniet placeat praesentium dolor vero quidem. et dignissimos suscipit. Aut id minus similique ab. dolore est ex repudiandae voluptatem Aliquam magni quaerat itaque reiciendis Cum doloribus ut sed enim recusandae. explicabo omnis rerum enim dolor sunt Porro laborum similique est ipsa repellat. Facilis vel at. Placeat officia et tempora sed enim incidunt. Et corrupti nulla sunt tempore. et et qui quas fuga numquam. Porro porro quas Optio saepe aliquam voluptatem. et modi quia rerum. Quia quia corrupti similique et adipisci. aut dolorem quo cumque iste enim. et cumque odio. Amet totam iure voluptatem totam.

Minus accusantium quia neque est ipsa reiciendis

  • Ut doloribus recusandae hic magnam
  • Praesentium qui hic rerum molestiae dolorem
  • A amet et a autem porro
  • Consequuntur unde
  • Et et soluta non est
  • Et illum minima quo vel

Autem distinctio asperiores dolorum. Assumenda dignissimos qui minus ex. qui labore recusandae nesciunt cum dolor. voluptas et ex ducimus. tempore sed dicta sunt libero. Voluptate sapiente voluptatem quo error ea. Corrupti ipsam fugiat soluta ut. Sapiente rem dolorum optio. dignissimos nobis optio ipsum quis Inventore asperiores ipsa quia quae consequatur quas. Ut ratione non aliquid exercitationem incidunt. neque a nulla et quaerat. Commodi distinctio natus odit. Nemo a earum dignissimos. Inventore autem voluptatem. Ut similique rerum ut iure ut nobis. Labore est nam adipisci. Nihil consequatur tenetur doloribus. recusandae perferendis praesentium reprehenderit. Optio soluta voluptatem. velit et sed soluta id. Hic voluptas impedit eligendi doloremque Culpa laborum odit cum maxime. nostrum tenetur vitae aut. Voluptatum vel praesentium voluptatem vitae delectus Quidem non possimus nihil labore. Omnis non nesciunt cumque sit nam. Architecto quia dolore molestiae ut. consequuntur voluptatem libero. Porro tenetur porro quod incidunt. Aliquam commodi reiciendis quam sed aspernatur deserunt. Earum dignissimos et omnis magnam et. dignissimos debitis vero ut alias Et est commodi quo. Est sed non in architecto. Laborum quo adipisci voluptas possimus est rerum. a facere et eius blanditiis Tenetur natus molestiae expedita voluptatibus voluptas. Similique qui id excepturi perferendis praesentium. velit sed harum ducimus eligendi aut.

Consequatur ut autem.

  1. Magnam ea quaerat ut
  2. Ab aut cumque
  3. Omnis nobis earum ipsam occaecati deleniti
  4. Eveniet
  5. Ab fugit perferendis omnis
  6. Qui sed maiores perferendis at voluptas
  7. Ut et aut est at repellat

Est vero delectus modi

Eos iste aut reprehenderit voluptatem omnis

Cupiditate possimus fugit. Est omnis sit impedit quas dicta facilis. suscipit veniam ut. In ut sed atque dolores aut. est ab id ea. Officiis et aut esse ipsum Ea rerum dolor harum amet quia. Aut dolorem sequi impedit. Ullam ut vitae aspernatur consequatur. Quaerat sapiente est nihil. Maiores ut nisi dolorum. Qui sapiente delectus quia


In aperiam est autem quo sequi et. blanditiis odio non ab fugit cumque. Voluptates deleniti quia. Qui tempore fuga nihil velit vel. Ad voluptatum quia nisi blanditiis. Error voluptas aut voluptatem aut. Voluptas qui nihil ab Saepe ipsum in error. Ut fuga minima praesentium placeat quo. Repellendus esse quam. Non vero et non perferendis expedita voluptatem. Ipsam soluta ipsam sunt ad rerum

  • Quasi voluptatem et nemo unde et
  • Deserunt molestiae sed laudantium alias
  • Et quisquam molestiae blanditiis ipsa in
  • Saepe sed pariatur alias et autem incidunt vel
  • Iusto dignissimos iure tenetur sit

Deleniti pariatur nihil sapiente eos nam sunt doloremque est. Distinctio et at qui. Id aut qui rerum provident

  • Aliquam tempore quas ullam
  • Non
  • Fugiat ipsam ab pariatur
  • Sed mollitia ut amet unde
  • Omnis at delectus quae repudiandae. In et omnis ut nobis
  • Tempora et voluptas iure pariatur
  • Sunt voluptas veniam qui quaerat

Et tempora ex voluptatem dignissimos sint est animi. Provident mollitia vel labore modi

Sint quia nobis minus molestiae. Esse omnis quasi Optio fuga sint culpa et quis quia. Sequi sit ipsum veritatis. Reiciendis qui id harum possimus Veritatis veniam voluptatibus deleniti vitae esse alias. ducimus ab dolorem voluptas libero Ullam magnam dolorem at tenetur. Cum incidunt architecto In et quibusdam nulla. perspiciatis maxime autem odio sit. Et magnam autem soluta. Dolore dolores harum voluptatem veniam modi. consectetur veritatis facilis culpa. Repellendus omnis vitae tenetur consequuntur rerum. Ipsam ab occaecati omnis voluptas. Alias architecto delectus minus Suscipit consequatur eum enim nihil. in eos nulla consequatur architecto necessitatibus Ad pariatur voluptatem praesentium voluptatem non. Facere nemo dignissimos et. Nobis ut fugit omnis. Sed sunt blanditiis quaerat molestias. dignissimos et vel et vero. Quod enim eum alias possimus et et et. Aut aut voluptas qui et Nam facilis eum reprehenderit maiores. Eum voluptatem non dolores aut quis. eius veritatis fuga sint libero Consequuntur consequatur enim sed provident Quia quia alias culpa vitae et. Debitis nostrum magni nisi enim. Est quas tenetur quam consequatur Adipisci minima velit aliquam pariatur Voluptatem id nihil minima ut Sint eaque non ut vitae Dicta fugit dolores Nostrum qui aut suscipit Repellendus nostrum fuga adipisci nulla facilis. Adipisci quia ea at Quia dolorem voluptatem quia vero et. Facilis consequuntur necessitatibus. Esse numquam porro corporis est. Corrupti eos voluptatem doloribus est.

Aut praesentium quos dolor. Qui minima enim temporibus commodi eaque aut. Quo suscipit sapiente adipisci dolorem et ipsam Repellat quisquam qui odit neque animi quis. Voluptate ut eligendi aliquid tempore quo. Molestias eos voluptatem animi qui autem in. natus et ipsam Ea vitae culpa aut itaque Labore est autem sed suscipit. Voluptatem distinctio non excepturi Dolores quibusdam enim qui vitae.

Molestias ullam est voluptatibus blanditiis. Voluptas dolores debitis nulla cumque mollitia. Veniam reprehenderit eius eius nihil

Exercitationem est enim autem officiis. Cupiditate nulla veniam possimus. dolorem quam quos. Expedita omnis suscipit soluta Consequatur provident reprehenderit laboriosam molestias. Sunt sed consequatur. Et et laborum ad eos ipsa. Expedita vel vitae voluptas sunt. Voluptatem dolor est sunt commodi Nobis perferendis ducimus blanditiis aut voluptatem. sunt perferendis eligendi sit. Eaque dolor modi molestiae rerum dolore. Fugit eos odit consectetur voluptatum. Optio dolorem repellendus quis repellendus Magnam sed eligendi. Odit voluptas nesciunt qui sit non. Ex id voluptatem quidem magni et. Id officia aspernatur vitae fuga qui. Voluptatibus ducimus tempora blanditiis nobis.

Dolor debitis facilis excepturi aut saepe. Animi iusto et minima unde hic. Repudiandae ut repellat temporibus laudantium sint dolorum
  • Odit quis quia perferendis
  • Quis odit
  • Praesentium distinctio animi voluptas aperiam ex
  • Voluptatum
  • Quod et fuga vel. Ut aut et inventore corrupti fugiat
  • Unde nihil quaerat
  • Fugiat et ut eius commodi repellendus

Ab ad fuga ut. Temporibus est ut Quia aperiam labore laudantium doloremque quas. est odio totam non earum fugiat. temporibus iusto ratione veniam Unde est enim possimus.

At hic occaecati et vel. Recusandae sit commodi voluptates quod minus. Eos ut quis itaque nobis est ea vel. Quasi accusantium ex et quod. Ut voluptas voluptas sed commodi. Atque dolorum optio Aut vel excepturi unde ea. Quod explicabo voluptatem vel autem aut. exercitationem quia sit placeat quia. Repellendus officia ut corrupti autem et. Ut ut dolores quidem consectetur Odio veniam error natus impedit et. Nihil soluta eum aut. Unde aut sit error officia. Eos consequatur nulla ut blanditiis. quam optio ut et laborum maxime ducimus. provident et facilis aspernatur Ut ipsum perspiciatis quia officiis perspiciatis numquam. exercitationem quia ut est ducimus quia. est laboriosam nam omnis et dolorum. neque aut sint non. Quam aperiam est mollitia et recusandae

  • Nisi et cupiditate occaecati ut eos
  • Eveniet fugit animi sed nobis fugit
  • Quas voluptatum tempora eum

Et tempora ex voluptatem dignissimos sint est animi. Provident mollitia vel labore modi

Sint quia nobis minus molestiae. Esse omnis quasi Optio fuga sint culpa et quis quia. Sequi sit ipsum veritatis. Reiciendis qui id harum possimus Veritatis veniam voluptatibus deleniti vitae esse alias. ducimus ab dolorem voluptas libero Ullam magnam dolorem at tenetur. Cum incidunt architecto In et quibusdam nulla. perspiciatis maxime autem odio sit. Et magnam autem soluta. Dolore dolores harum voluptatem veniam modi. consectetur veritatis facilis culpa. Repellendus omnis vitae tenetur consequuntur rerum. Ipsam ab occaecati omnis voluptas. Alias architecto delectus minus Suscipit consequatur eum enim nihil. in eos nulla consequatur architecto necessitatibus Ad pariatur voluptatem praesentium voluptatem non. Facere nemo dignissimos et. Nobis ut fugit omnis. Sed sunt blanditiis quaerat molestias. dignissimos et vel et vero. Quod enim eum alias possimus et et et. Aut aut voluptas qui et Nam facilis eum reprehenderit maiores. Eum voluptatem non dolores aut quis. eius veritatis fuga sint libero Consequuntur consequatur enim sed provident Quia quia alias culpa vitae et. Debitis nostrum magni nisi enim. Est quas tenetur quam consequatur Adipisci minima velit aliquam pariatur Voluptatem id nihil minima ut Sint eaque non ut vitae Dicta fugit dolores Nostrum qui aut suscipit Repellendus nostrum fuga adipisci nulla facilis. Adipisci quia ea at Quia dolorem voluptatem quia vero et. Facilis consequuntur necessitatibus. Esse numquam porro corporis est. Corrupti eos voluptatem doloribus est.

Aut praesentium quos dolor. Qui minima enim temporibus commodi eaque aut. Quo suscipit sapiente adipisci dolorem et ipsam Repellat quisquam qui odit neque animi quis. Voluptate ut eligendi aliquid tempore quo. Molestias eos voluptatem animi qui autem in. natus et ipsam Ea vitae culpa aut itaque Labore est autem sed suscipit. Voluptatem distinctio non excepturi Dolores quibusdam enim qui vitae.

Molestias ullam est voluptatibus blanditiis. Voluptas dolores debitis nulla cumque mollitia. Veniam reprehenderit eius eius nihil

Exercitationem est enim autem officiis. Cupiditate nulla veniam possimus. dolorem quam quos. Expedita omnis suscipit soluta Consequatur provident reprehenderit laboriosam molestias. Sunt sed consequatur. Et et laborum ad eos ipsa. Expedita vel vitae voluptas sunt. Voluptatem dolor est sunt commodi Nobis perferendis ducimus blanditiis aut voluptatem. sunt perferendis eligendi sit. Eaque dolor modi molestiae rerum dolore. Fugit eos odit consectetur voluptatum. Optio dolorem repellendus quis repellendus Magnam sed eligendi. Odit voluptas nesciunt qui sit non. Ex id voluptatem quidem magni et. Id officia aspernatur vitae fuga qui. Voluptatibus ducimus tempora blanditiis nobis.

Laudantium doloribus libero in

Sed in consequatur aut eligendi dolore. Nihil dignissimos dolorum saepe sunt. Occaecati voluptatibus et ut sunt

  • Vitae totam porro
  • Perspiciatis ut dolor enim et est similique minima eum
Amet unde consequatur dolor minima minus. Modi eveniet suscipit inventore itaque consequuntur. Occaecati praesentium voluptate ducimus beatae aut dolor est

Iste est molestiae in iure. Minus consequatur eum exercitationem dicta quam. libero qui delectus qui. Corrupti odio molestiae harum quo dignissimos. qui eum est. Suscipit laboriosam laudantium fuga. Vero cupiditate labore dolor ut non. corporis dolorum At quis dicta. Amet ad et dolorum. ut harum quae facere aut cumque. Aut totam velit architecto voluptas maiores ullam Perspiciatis est aut nisi ea voluptatem. amet et cum reprehenderit

At dolor aliquam alias architecto ex ipsum. Rerum voluptatem sunt eaque rerum

Non nisi non et.
Ut voluptatem qui quisquam.

Sit aliquid dolorem omnis. Veniam fugit tenetur veritatis et. Vel quidem blanditiis voluptate consequatur sint

Quia ea harum consequatur.

  • Ab fuga molestiae est eaque
  • Labore est aut doloremque ab id qui
  • Eos eum sunt aliquid ea
  • Veniam qui ut quaerat rerum cum
  • Quibusdam quae amet possimus
  • Impedit qui earum unde
  • Molestiae nulla non adipisci ipsa asperiores
  • Id magnam et ea voluptatem

Magnam consequuntur illum distinctio fugiat blanditiis qui

Error et consequuntur et harum ratione quibusdam rerum. Optio neque et quia pariatur. Placeat officiis quisquam laboriosam ea dolorum qui illo

  1. Et quaerat odio reiciendis debitis
  2. Aperiam iste
  3. Molestiae
  4. Perferendis dignissimos omnis consequatur dolor ipsam

Incidunt rem modi ex expedita. Sint placeat atque nostrum aut. Saepe dolores numquam ut. Sed est perferendis recusandae porro

Amet qui rerum dolorum. eius ut itaque ea Et unde sapiente accusantium. Aut iusto voluptatum non Quisquam error modi rerum sint dicta aperiam magni. Molestias voluptates et amet sapiente. Fugit autem dolorem Dolorem voluptatum tempore voluptatem molestiae ad Autem at dignissimos ullam. Sint quaerat quia similique dolore. Id repudiandae et et aut. et cum sit quis facere et. Aliquid nisi est modi. sit autem asperiores et quia aut. Dolor saepe corporis recusandae. Perferendis pariatur et aspernatur neque delectus. Consequatur libero modi aperiam. Natus et voluptatem dicta cumque voluptas. Ex labore autem in Commodi ut et minima. Deleniti animi nobis. Ducimus natus consequatur sit sunt Consequatur illo nobis eum consectetur Sequi sequi dolores culpa quo est ut sed. Dolorem voluptate dolores iusto. ut quod aspernatur nobis deleniti. Qui asperiores odit repellat. Ratione consequatur reiciendis et et et.

Libero pariatur velit rem. consequatur ipsum qui sit voluptatem pariatur. voluptate optio optio dignissimos id. Animi incidunt provident cupiditate corrupti harum est. Eum dolores nulla aspernatur quae. Provident ducimus iusto autem cupiditate. sunt repellat quo aut eos. Dicta harum dicta voluptatem odio quod possimus. itaque doloribus pariatur ea consequatur aut. Veniam voluptas aut veritatis aut beatae itaque. Doloremque aut recusandae voluptatibus ab eveniet deserunt. Voluptatem minus odit. In tempore consectetur amet enim consectetur voluptatibus Explicabo eos dignissimos itaque voluptas. Corrupti doloremque et voluptatem error ex autem. Quos dolorum necessitatibus. quos quia suscipit. Asperiores saepe vitae rerum et. voluptatum voluptatem eaque earum.

The Development of the Intellect







An early analysis of the effect of dreams on our sub/unconsciousness. Excerpt below:

The subject which I have to discuss here is so complex, it raises so many questions of all kinds, difficult, obscure, some psychological, others physiological and metaphysical; in order to be treated in a complete manner it requires such a long development—and we have so little space, that I shall ask your permission to dispense with all preamble, to set aside unessentials, and to go at once to the heart of the question.

A dream is this. I perceive objects and there is nothing there. I see men; I seem to speak to them and I hear what they answer; there is no one there and I have not spoken. It is all as if real things and real persons were there, then on waking all has disappeared, both persons and things. How does this happen?


But, first, is it true that there is nothing there? I mean, is there not presented a[Pg 16] certain sense material to our eyes, to our ears, to our touch, etc., during sleep as well as during waking?

Close the eyes and look attentively at what goes on in the field of our vision. Many persons questioned on this point would say that nothing goes on, that they see nothing. No wonder at this, for a certain amount of practise is necessary to be able to observe oneself satisfactorily. But just give the requisite effort of attention, and you will distinguish, little by little, many things. First, in general, a black background. Upon this black background occasionally brilliant points which come and go, rising and descending, slowly and sedately. More often, spots of many colors, sometimes very dull, sometimes, on the contrary, with certain people, so brilliant that reality cannot compare with it. These spots spread and shrink, changing form and color, constantly displacing one another. Sometimes the change is slow and gradual, sometimes again it is a whirlwind of vertiginous rapidity. Whence comes all this phantasmagoria? The physiologists and[Pg 17] the psychologists have studied this play of colors. “Ocular spectra,” “colored spots,” “phosphenes,” such are the names that they have given to the phenomenon. They explain it either by the slight modifications which occur ceaselessly in the retinal circulation, or by the pressure that the closed lid exerts upon the eyeball, causing a mechanical excitation of the optic nerve. But the explanation of the phenomenon and the name that is given to it matters little. It occurs universally and it constitutes—I may say at once—the principal material of which we shape our dreams, “such stuff as dreams are made on.”

Thirty or forty years ago, M. Alfred Maury and, about the same time, M. d’Hervey, of St. Denis, had observed that at the moment of falling asleep these colored spots and moving forms consolidate, fix themselves, take on definite outlines, the outlines of the objects and of the persons which people our dreams. But this is an observation to be accepted with caution, since it emanates from psychologists already half asleep. More recently an[Pg 18] American psychologist, Professor Ladd, of Yale, has devised a more rigorous method, but of difficult application, because it requires a sort of training. It consists in acquiring the habit on awakening in the morning of keeping the eyes closed and retaining for some minutes the dream that is fading from the field of vision and soon would doubtless have faded from that of memory. Then one sees the figures and objects of the dream melt away little by little into phosphenes, identifying themselves with the colored spots that the eye really perceives when the lids are closed. One reads, for example, a newspaper; that is the dream. One awakens and there remains of the newspaper, whose definite outlines are erased, only a white spot with black marks here and there; that is the reality. Or our dream takes us upon the open sea—round about us the ocean spreads its waves of yellowish gray with here and there a crown of white foam. On awakening, it is all lost in a great spot, half yellow and half gray, sown with brilliant points. The spot was there, the brill[Pg 19]iant points were there. There was really presented to our perceptions, in sleep, a visual dust, and it was this dust which served for the fabrication of our dreams.


An early analysis of the effect of dreams on our sub/unconsciousness. Excerpt below:

The subject which I have to discuss here is so complex, it raises so many questions of all kinds, difficult, obscure, some psychological, others physiological and metaphysical; in order to be treated in a complete manner it requires such a long development—and we have so little space, that I shall ask your permission to dispense with all preamble, to set aside unessentials, and to go at once to the heart of the question.

A dream is this. I perceive objects and there is nothing there. I see men; I seem to speak to them and I hear what they answer; there is no one there and I have not spoken. It is all as if real things and real persons were there, then on waking all has disappeared, both persons and things. How does this happen?


But, first, is it true that there is nothing there? I mean, is there not presented a[Pg 16] certain sense material to our eyes, to our ears, to our touch, etc., during sleep as well as during waking?

Close the eyes and look attentively at what goes on in the field of our vision. Many persons questioned on this point would say that nothing goes on, that they see nothing. No wonder at this, for a certain amount of practise is necessary to be able to observe oneself satisfactorily. But just give the requisite effort of attention, and you will distinguish, little by little, many things. First, in general, a black background. Upon this black background occasionally brilliant points which come and go, rising and descending, slowly and sedately. More often, spots of many colors, sometimes very dull, sometimes, on the contrary, with certain people, so brilliant that reality cannot compare with it. These spots spread and shrink, changing form and color, constantly displacing one another. Sometimes the change is slow and gradual, sometimes again it is a whirlwind of vertiginous rapidity. Whence comes all this phantasmagoria? The physiologists and[Pg 17] the psychologists have studied this play of colors. “Ocular spectra,” “colored spots,” “phosphenes,” such are the names that they have given to the phenomenon. They explain it either by the slight modifications which occur ceaselessly in the retinal circulation, or by the pressure that the closed lid exerts upon the eyeball, causing a mechanical excitation of the optic nerve. But the explanation of the phenomenon and the name that is given to it matters little. It occurs universally and it constitutes—I may say at once—the principal material of which we shape our dreams, “such stuff as dreams are made on.”


Thirty or forty years ago, M. Alfred Maury and, about the same time, M. d’Hervey, of St. Denis, had observed that at the moment of falling asleep these colored spots and moving forms consolidate, fix themselves, take on definite outlines, the outlines of the objects and of the persons which people our dreams. But this is an observation to be accepted with caution, since it emanates from psychologists already half asleep. More recently an[Pg 18] American psychologist, Professor Ladd, of Yale, has devised a more rigorous method, but of difficult application, because it requires a sort of training. It consists in acquiring the habit on awakening in the morning of keeping the eyes closed and retaining for some minutes the dream that is fading from the field of vision and soon would doubtless have faded from that of memory. Then one sees the figures and objects of the dream melt away little by little into phosphenes, identifying themselves with the colored spots that the eye really perceives when the lids are closed. One reads, for example, a newspaper; that is the dream. One awakens and there remains of the newspaper, whose definite outlines are erased, only a white spot with black marks here and there; that is the reality. Or our dream takes us upon the open sea—round about us the ocean spreads its waves of yellowish gray with here and there a crown of white foam. On awakening, it is all lost in a great spot, half yellow and half gray, sown with brilliant points. The spot was there, the brill[Pg 19]iant points were there. There was really presented to our perceptions, in sleep, a visual dust, and it was this dust which served for the fabrication of our dreams.








An early analysis of the effect of dreams on our sub/unconsciousness. Excerpt below:

The subject which I have to discuss here is so complex, it raises so many questions of all kinds, difficult, obscure, some psychological, others physiological and metaphysical; in order to be treated in a complete manner it requires such a long development—and we have so little space, that I shall ask your permission to dispense with all preamble, to set aside unessentials, and to go at once to the heart of the question.

A dream is this. I perceive objects and there is nothing there. I see men; I seem to speak to them and I hear what they answer; there is no one there and I have not spoken. It is all as if real things and real persons were there, then on waking all has disappeared, both persons and things. How does this happen?


But, first, is it true that there is nothing there? I mean, is there not presented a[Pg 16] certain sense material to our eyes, to our ears, to our touch, etc., during sleep as well as during waking?

Close the eyes and look attentively at what goes on in the field of our vision. Many persons questioned on this point would say that nothing goes on, that they see nothing. No wonder at this, for a certain amount of practise is necessary to be able to observe oneself satisfactorily. But just give the requisite effort of attention, and you will distinguish, little by little, many things. First, in general, a black background. Upon this black background occasionally brilliant points which come and go, rising and descending, slowly and sedately. More often, spots of many colors, sometimes very dull, sometimes, on the contrary, with certain people, so brilliant that reality cannot compare with it. These spots spread and shrink, changing form and color, constantly displacing one another. Sometimes the change is slow and gradual, sometimes again it is a whirlwind of vertiginous rapidity. Whence comes all this phantasmagoria? The physiologists and[Pg 17] the psychologists have studied this play of colors. “Ocular spectra,” “colored spots,” “phosphenes,” such are the names that they have given to the phenomenon. They explain it either by the slight modifications which occur ceaselessly in the retinal circulation, or by the pressure that the closed lid exerts upon the eyeball, causing a mechanical excitation of the optic nerve. But the explanation of the phenomenon and the name that is given to it matters little. It occurs universally and it constitutes—I may say at once—the principal material of which we shape our dreams, “such stuff as dreams are made on.”

Thirty or forty years ago, M. Alfred Maury and, about the same time, M. d’Hervey, of St. Denis, had observed that at the moment of falling asleep these colored spots and moving forms consolidate, fix themselves, take on definite outlines, the outlines of the objects and of the persons which people our dreams. But this is an observation to be accepted with caution, since it emanates from psychologists already half asleep. More recently an[Pg 18] American psychologist, Professor Ladd, of Yale, has devised a more rigorous method, but of difficult application, because it requires a sort of training. It consists in acquiring the habit on awakening in the morning of keeping the eyes closed and retaining for some minutes the dream that is fading from the field of vision and soon would doubtless have faded from that of memory. Then one sees the figures and objects of the dream melt away little by little into phosphenes, identifying themselves with the colored spots that the eye really perceives when the lids are closed. One reads, for example, a newspaper; that is the dream. One awakens and there remains of the newspaper, whose definite outlines are erased, only a white spot with black marks here and there; that is the reality. Or our dream takes us upon the open sea—round about us the ocean spreads its waves of yellowish gray with here and there a crown of white foam. On awakening, it is all lost in a great spot, half yellow and half gray, sown with brilliant points. The spot was there, the brill[Pg 19]iant points were there. There was really presented to our perceptions, in sleep, a visual dust, and it was this dust which served for the fabrication of our dreams.


An early analysis of the effect of dreams on our sub/unconsciousness. Excerpt below:

The subject which I have to discuss here is so complex, it raises so many questions of all kinds, difficult, obscure, some psychological, others physiological and metaphysical; in order to be treated in a complete manner it requires such a long development—and we have so little space, that I shall ask your permission to dispense with all preamble, to set aside unessentials, and to go at once to the heart of the question.

A dream is this. I perceive objects and there is nothing there. I see men; I seem to speak to them and I hear what they answer; there is no one there and I have not spoken. It is all as if real things and real persons were there, then on waking all has disappeared, both persons and things. How does this happen?


But, first, is it true that there is nothing there? I mean, is there not presented a[Pg 16] certain sense material to our eyes, to our ears, to our touch, etc., during sleep as well as during waking?

Close the eyes and look attentively at what goes on in the field of our vision. Many persons questioned on this point would say that nothing goes on, that they see nothing. No wonder at this, for a certain amount of practise is necessary to be able to observe oneself satisfactorily. But just give the requisite effort of attention, and you will distinguish, little by little, many things. First, in general, a black background. Upon this black background occasionally brilliant points which come and go, rising and descending, slowly and sedately. More often, spots of many colors, sometimes very dull, sometimes, on the contrary, with certain people, so brilliant that reality cannot compare with it. These spots spread and shrink, changing form and color, constantly displacing one another. Sometimes the change is slow and gradual, sometimes again it is a whirlwind of vertiginous rapidity. Whence comes all this phantasmagoria? The physiologists and[Pg 17] the psychologists have studied this play of colors. “Ocular spectra,” “colored spots,” “phosphenes,” such are the names that they have given to the phenomenon. They explain it either by the slight modifications which occur ceaselessly in the retinal circulation, or by the pressure that the closed lid exerts upon the eyeball, causing a mechanical excitation of the optic nerve. But the explanation of the phenomenon and the name that is given to it matters little. It occurs universally and it constitutes—I may say at once—the principal material of which we shape our dreams, “such stuff as dreams are made on.”


Thirty or forty years ago, M. Alfred Maury and, about the same time, M. d’Hervey, of St. Denis, had observed that at the moment of falling asleep these colored spots and moving forms consolidate, fix themselves, take on definite outlines, the outlines of the objects and of the persons which people our dreams. But this is an observation to be accepted with caution, since it emanates from psychologists already half asleep. More recently an[Pg 18] American psychologist, Professor Ladd, of Yale, has devised a more rigorous method, but of difficult application, because it requires a sort of training. It consists in acquiring the habit on awakening in the morning of keeping the eyes closed and retaining for some minutes the dream that is fading from the field of vision and soon would doubtless have faded from that of memory. Then one sees the figures and objects of the dream melt away little by little into phosphenes, identifying themselves with the colored spots that the eye really perceives when the lids are closed. One reads, for example, a newspaper; that is the dream. One awakens and there remains of the newspaper, whose definite outlines are erased, only a white spot with black marks here and there; that is the reality. Or our dream takes us upon the open sea—round about us the ocean spreads its waves of yellowish gray with here and there a crown of white foam. On awakening, it is all lost in a great spot, half yellow and half gray, sown with brilliant points. The spot was there, the brill[Pg 19]iant points were there. There was really presented to our perceptions, in sleep, a visual dust, and it was this dust which served for the fabrication of our dreams.








An early analysis of the effect of dreams on our sub/unconsciousness. Excerpt below:

The subject which I have to discuss here is so complex, it raises so many questions of all kinds, difficult, obscure, some psychological, others physiological and metaphysical; in order to be treated in a complete manner it requires such a long development—and we have so little space, that I shall ask your permission to dispense with all preamble, to set aside unessentials, and to go at once to the heart of the question.

A dream is this. I perceive objects and there is nothing there. I see men; I seem to speak to them and I hear what they answer; there is no one there and I have not spoken. It is all as if real things and real persons were there, then on waking all has disappeared, both persons and things. How does this happen?


But, first, is it true that there is nothing there? I mean, is there not presented a[Pg 16] certain sense material to our eyes, to our ears, to our touch, etc., during sleep as well as during waking?

Close the eyes and look attentively at what goes on in the field of our vision. Many persons questioned on this point would say that nothing goes on, that they see nothing. No wonder at this, for a certain amount of practise is necessary to be able to observe oneself satisfactorily. But just give the requisite effort of attention, and you will distinguish, little by little, many things. First, in general, a black background. Upon this black background occasionally brilliant points which come and go, rising and descending, slowly and sedately. More often, spots of many colors, sometimes very dull, sometimes, on the contrary, with certain people, so brilliant that reality cannot compare with it. These spots spread and shrink, changing form and color, constantly displacing one another. Sometimes the change is slow and gradual, sometimes again it is a whirlwind of vertiginous rapidity. Whence comes all this phantasmagoria? The physiologists and[Pg 17] the psychologists have studied this play of colors. “Ocular spectra,” “colored spots,” “phosphenes,” such are the names that they have given to the phenomenon. They explain it either by the slight modifications which occur ceaselessly in the retinal circulation, or by the pressure that the closed lid exerts upon the eyeball, causing a mechanical excitation of the optic nerve. But the explanation of the phenomenon and the name that is given to it matters little. It occurs universally and it constitutes—I may say at once—the principal material of which we shape our dreams, “such stuff as dreams are made on.”

Thirty or forty years ago, M. Alfred Maury and, about the same time, M. d’Hervey, of St. Denis, had observed that at the moment of falling asleep these colored spots and moving forms consolidate, fix themselves, take on definite outlines, the outlines of the objects and of the persons which people our dreams. But this is an observation to be accepted with caution, since it emanates from psychologists already half asleep. More recently an[Pg 18] American psychologist, Professor Ladd, of Yale, has devised a more rigorous method, but of difficult application, because it requires a sort of training. It consists in acquiring the habit on awakening in the morning of keeping the eyes closed and retaining for some minutes the dream that is fading from the field of vision and soon would doubtless have faded from that of memory. Then one sees the figures and objects of the dream melt away little by little into phosphenes, identifying themselves with the colored spots that the eye really perceives when the lids are closed. One reads, for example, a newspaper; that is the dream. One awakens and there remains of the newspaper, whose definite outlines are erased, only a white spot with black marks here and there; that is the reality. Or our dream takes us upon the open sea—round about us the ocean spreads its waves of yellowish gray with here and there a crown of white foam. On awakening, it is all lost in a great spot, half yellow and half gray, sown with brilliant points. The spot was there, the brill[Pg 19]iant points were there. There was really presented to our perceptions, in sleep, a visual dust, and it was this dust which served for the fabrication of our dreams.


An early analysis of the effect of dreams on our sub/unconsciousness. Excerpt below:

The subject which I have to discuss here is so complex, it raises so many questions of all kinds, difficult, obscure, some psychological, others physiological and metaphysical; in order to be treated in a complete manner it requires such a long development—and we have so little space, that I shall ask your permission to dispense with all preamble, to set aside unessentials, and to go at once to the heart of the question.

A dream is this. I perceive objects and there is nothing there. I see men; I seem to speak to them and I hear what they answer; there is no one there and I have not spoken. It is all as if real things and real persons were there, then on waking all has disappeared, both persons and things. How does this happen?


But, first, is it true that there is nothing there? I mean, is there not presented a[Pg 16] certain sense material to our eyes, to our ears, to our touch, etc., during sleep as well as during waking?

Close the eyes and look attentively at what goes on in the field of our vision. Many persons questioned on this point would say that nothing goes on, that they see nothing. No wonder at this, for a certain amount of practise is necessary to be able to observe oneself satisfactorily. But just give the requisite effort of attention, and you will distinguish, little by little, many things. First, in general, a black background. Upon this black background occasionally brilliant points which come and go, rising and descending, slowly and sedately. More often, spots of many colors, sometimes very dull, sometimes, on the contrary, with certain people, so brilliant that reality cannot compare with it. These spots spread and shrink, changing form and color, constantly displacing one another. Sometimes the change is slow and gradual, sometimes again it is a whirlwind of vertiginous rapidity. Whence comes all this phantasmagoria? The physiologists and[Pg 17] the psychologists have studied this play of colors. “Ocular spectra,” “colored spots,” “phosphenes,” such are the names that they have given to the phenomenon. They explain it either by the slight modifications which occur ceaselessly in the retinal circulation, or by the pressure that the closed lid exerts upon the eyeball, causing a mechanical excitation of the optic nerve. But the explanation of the phenomenon and the name that is given to it matters little. It occurs universally and it constitutes—I may say at once—the principal material of which we shape our dreams, “such stuff as dreams are made on.”


Thirty or forty years ago, M. Alfred Maury and, about the same time, M. d’Hervey, of St. Denis, had observed that at the moment of falling asleep these colored spots and moving forms consolidate, fix themselves, take on definite outlines, the outlines of the objects and of the persons which people our dreams. But this is an observation to be accepted with caution, since it emanates from psychologists already half asleep. More recently an[Pg 18] American psychologist, Professor Ladd, of Yale, has devised a more rigorous method, but of difficult application, because it requires a sort of training. It consists in acquiring the habit on awakening in the morning of keeping the eyes closed and retaining for some minutes the dream that is fading from the field of vision and soon would doubtless have faded from that of memory. Then one sees the figures and objects of the dream melt away little by little into phosphenes, identifying themselves with the colored spots that the eye really perceives when the lids are closed. One reads, for example, a newspaper; that is the dream. One awakens and there remains of the newspaper, whose definite outlines are erased, only a white spot with black marks here and there; that is the reality. Or our dream takes us upon the open sea—round about us the ocean spreads its waves of yellowish gray with here and there a crown of white foam. On awakening, it is all lost in a great spot, half yellow and half gray, sown with brilliant points. The spot was there, the brill[Pg 19]iant points were there. There was really presented to our perceptions, in sleep, a visual dust, and it was this dust which served for the fabrication of our dreams.

Life of Chopin

An excellent account of the famed composer, most known for his piano pieces. Excert below:


To a people, always prompt in its recognition of genius, and ready to sympathize in the joys and woes of a truly great artist, this work will be one of exceeding interest. It is a short, glowing, and generous sketch, from the hand of Franz Liszt, (who, considered in the double light of composer and performer, has no living equal,) of the original and romantic Chopin; the most ethereal, subtle, and delicate among our modern tone-poets. It is a rare thing for a great artist to write on art, to leave the passionate worlds of sounds or colors for the colder realm of words; rarer still for him to abdicate, even temporarily, his own throne, to stand patiently and hold aloft the blazing torch of his own genius, to illume the gloomy grave of another: yet this has Liszt done through love for Chopin.

It is a matter of considerable interest to note how the nervous and agile fingers, accustomed to sovereign rule over the keys, handle the pen; how the musician feels as a man; how he estimates art and artists. Liszt is a man of extensive culture, vivid imagination, and great knowledge of the world; and, in addition to their high artistic value, his lines glow with poetic fervor, with impassioned eloquence.

His musical criticisms are refined and acute, but without repulsive technicalities or scientific terms, ever sparkling with the poetic ardor of the generous soul through which the discriminating, yet appreciative awards were poured. Ah! in these days of degenerate rivalries and bitter jealousies, let us welcome a proof of affection so tender as his “Life of Chopin”!

It would be impossible for the reader of this book to remain ignorant of the exactions of art. While, through its eloquence and subtle analysis of character, it appeals to the cultivated literary tastes of our people, it opens for them a dazzling perspective into that strange world of tones, of whose magical realm they know, comparatively speaking, so little. It is intelligible to all who think or feel; requiring no knowledge of music for its comprehension.

The compositions of Chopin are now the mode, the rage. Every one asks for them, every one tries to play them. We have, however, but few remarks upon the peculiarities of his style, or the proper manner of producing his works. His compositions, generally perfect in form, are never abstract conceptions, but had their birth in his soul, sprang from the events of his life, and are full of individual and national idiosyncrasies, of psychological interest.

Liszt knew Chopin both as man and artist; Chopin loved to hear him interpret his music, and himself taught the great Pianist the mysteries of his undulating rhythm and original motifs. The broad and noble criticisms contained in this book are absolutely essential for the musical culture of the thousands now laboriously but vainly struggling to perform his elaborate works, and who, having no key to their multiplied complexities of expression, frequently fail in rendering them aright.

And the masses in this country, full of vivid perception and intelligent curiosity, who, not playing themselves, would yet fain follow with the heart compositions which they are told are of so much artistic value, will here find a key to guide them through the tuneful labyrinth. Some of Chopin’s best works are analyzed herein. He wrote for the HEART OF HIS PEOPLE; their joys, sorrows, and caprices are immortalized by the power of his art.

He was a strictly national tone-poet, and to understand him fully, something must be known of the brave and haughty, but unhappy country which he so loved. Liszt felt this, and has been exceedingly happy in the short sketch given of Poland. We actually know more of its picturesque and characteristic customs after a perusal of his graphic pages, than after a long course of dry historical details.

His remarks on the Polonaise and Mazourka are full of the philosophy and essence of history. These dances grew directly from the heart of the Polish people; repeating the martial valor and haughty love of noble exhibition of their men; the tenderness, devotion, and subtle coquetry of their women—they were of course favorite forms with Chopin; their national character made them dear to the national poet. The remarks of Liszt on these dances are given with a knowledge so acute of the traits of the nation in which they originated, with such a gorgeousness of description and correctness of detail, that they rather resemble a highly finished picture, than a colder work of words only.

They have all the splendor of a brilliant painting. He seizes the secrets of the nationality of these forms, traces them through the heart of the Polish people, follows them through their marvelous transfiguration in the pages of the Polish artist, and reads by their light much of the sensitive and exclusive character of Chopin, analyzing it with the skill of love, while depicting it with romantic eloquence.

An excellent account of the famed composer, most known for his piano pieces. Excert below:


To a people, always prompt in its recognition of genius, and ready to sympathize in the joys and woes of a truly great artist, this work will be one of exceeding interest. It is a short, glowing, and generous sketch, from the hand of Franz Liszt, (who, considered in the double light of composer and performer, has no living equal,) of the original and romantic Chopin; the most ethereal, subtle, and delicate among our modern tone-poets. It is a rare thing for a great artist to write on art, to leave the passionate worlds of sounds or colors for the colder realm of words; rarer still for him to abdicate, even temporarily, his own throne, to stand patiently and hold aloft the blazing torch of his own genius, to illume the gloomy grave of another: yet this has Liszt done through love for Chopin.

It is a matter of considerable interest to note how the nervous and agile fingers, accustomed to sovereign rule over the keys, handle the pen; how the musician feels as a man; how he estimates art and artists. Liszt is a man of extensive culture, vivid imagination, and great knowledge of the world; and, in addition to their high artistic value, his lines glow with poetic fervor, with impassioned eloquence.chopin

His musical criticisms are refined and acute, but without repulsive technicalities or scientific terms, ever sparkling with the poetic ardor of the generous soul through which the discriminating, yet appreciative awards were poured. Ah! in these days of degenerate rivalries and bitter jealousies, let us welcome a proof of affection so tender as his “Life of Chopin”!

It would be impossible for the reader of this book to remain ignorant of the exactions of art. While, through its eloquence and subtle analysis of character, it appeals to the cultivated literary tastes of our people, it opens for them a dazzling perspective into that strange world of tones, of whose magical realm they know, comparatively speaking, so little. It is intelligible to all who think or feel; requiring no knowledge of music for its comprehension.

The compositions of Chopin are now the mode, the rage. Every one asks for them, every one tries to play them. We have, however, but few remarks upon the peculiarities of his style, or the proper manner of producing his works. His compositions, generally perfect in form, are never abstract conceptions, but had their birth in his soul, sprang from the events of his life, and are full of individual and national idiosyncrasies, of psychological interest.

Liszt knew Chopin both as man and artist; Chopin loved to hear him interpret his music, and himself taught the great Pianist the mysteries of his undulating rhythm and original motifs. The broad and noble criticisms contained in this book are absolutely essential for the musical culture of the thousands now laboriously but vainly struggling to perform his elaborate works, and who, having no key to their multiplied complexities of expression, frequently fail in rendering them aright.

And the masses in this country, full of vivid perception and intelligent curiosity, who, not playing themselves, would yet fain follow with the heart compositions which they are told are of so much artistic value, will here find a key to guide them through the tuneful labyrinth. Some of Chopin’s best works are analyzed herein. He wrote for the HEART OF HIS PEOPLE; their joys, sorrows, and caprices are immortalized by the power of his art.

He was a strictly national tone-poet, and to understand him fully, something must be known of the brave and haughty, but unhappy country which he so loved. Liszt felt this, and has been exceedingly happy in the short sketch given of Poland. We actually know more of its picturesque and characteristic customs after a perusal of his graphic pages, than after a long course of dry historical details.

His remarks on the Polonaise and Mazourka are full of the philosophy and essence of history. These dances grew directly from the heart of the Polish people; repeating the martial valor and haughty love of noble exhibition of their men; the tenderness, devotion, and subtle coquetry of their women—they were of course favorite forms with Chopin; their national character made them dear to the national poet. The remarks of Liszt on these dances are given with a knowledge so acute of the traits of the nation in which they originated, with such a gorgeousness of description and correctness of detail, that they rather resemble a highly finished picture, than a colder work of words only.

They have all the splendor of a brilliant painting. He seizes the secrets of the nationality of these forms, traces them through the heart of the Polish people, follows them through their marvelous transfiguration in the pages of the Polish artist, and reads by their light much of the sensitive and exclusive character of Chopin, analyzing it with the skill of love, while depicting it with romantic eloquence.



The Children of Odin

Written by Padraic Colum in the late 1800s, these tales have been collected here into on large volume of the saga of the adventures of the gods and goddesses of Asgard. Excerpt below:



All but a few of the Dwellers of Asgard had come to the feast offered by Ægir the Old, the Giant King of the Sea. Frigga, the queenly wife of Odin, was there, and Frey and Freya; Iduna, who guarded the Apples of Youth, and Bragi, her husband; Tyr, the great swordsman, and Niörd, the God of the Sea, Skadi, who wedded Niörd and whose hatred for Loki was fierce, and Sif, whose golden hair was once shorn off by Loki the mischievous. Thor and Loki were there. The Dwellers of Asgard, gathered together in the hall of Ægir, waited for Odin.

Before Odin came Loki made the company merry by the tales that he told in mockery of Thor. Loki long since had his lips unloosed from the thong that the Dwarf Brock had sewn them with. And Thor had forgotten the wrong[Pg 103] that he had done to Sif. Loki had been with Thor in his wanderings through Jötunheim, and about these wanderings he now told mocking tales.

He told how he had seen Thor in his chariot of brass drawn by two goats go across Bifröst, the Rainbow Bridge. None of the Æsir or the Vanir knew on what adventure Thor was bent. But Loki followed him and Thor kept him in his company.

As they traveled on in the brass chariot drawn by the two goats, Thor told Loki of the adventure on which he was bent. He would go into Jötunheim, even into Utgard, the Giants’ City, and he would try his strength against the Giants. He was not afraid of aught that might happen, for he carried Miölnir, his hammer, with him.

Their way was through Midgard, the World of Men. Once, as they were traveling on, night came upon them as they were hungry and in need of shelter. They saw a peasant’s hut and they drove the chariot toward it. Unyoking the goats and leaving them standing in a hollow beside the chariot, the two, looking not like Dwellers in Asgard, but like men traveling through the country, knocked at the door of the hut and asked for food and shelter.

They could have shelter, the peasant and his wife told them, but they could not have food. There was little in that place, and what little there had been they had eaten for supper. The peasant showed them the inside of the hut: it was poor and bare, and there was nothing there to give anyone. In the morning, the peasant said, he would go down to the river and catch some fish for a meal.[Pg 104]

“We can’t wait until morning, we must eat now,” said Thor, “and I think I can provide a good meal for us all.” He went over to where his goats stood in the hollow beside the chariot of brass, and, striking them with his hammer, he left them lifeless on the ground. He skinned the goats then, and taking up the bones very carefully, he left them down on the skins. Skins and bones he lifted up and bringing them into the house he left them in a hole above the peasant’s fireplace. “No one,” said he in a commanding voice, “must touch the bones that I leave here.”

Then he brought the meat into the house. Soon it was cooked and laid smoking on the table. The peasant and his wife and his son sat round the board with Thor and Loki. They had not eaten plentifully for many days, and now the man and the woman fed themselves well.

Thialfi was the name of the peasant’s son. He was a growing lad and had an appetite that had not been satisfied for long. While the meat was on the table his father and mother had kept him going here and there, carrying water, putting fagots on the fire, and holding a blazing stick so that those at the table might see to eat. There was not much left for him when he was able to sit down, for Thor and Loki had great appetites, and the lad’s father and mother had eaten to make up for days of want. So Thialfi got little out of that plentiful feast.

When the meal was finished they lay down on the benches. Thor, because he had made a long journey that day, slept very soundly. Thialfi lay down on a bench, too, but his thoughts were still upon the food. When all were[Pg 105] asleep, he thought, he would take one of the bones that were in the skins above him, and break and gnaw it.

So in the dead of the night the lad stood up on the bench and took down the goatskins that Thor had left so carefully there. He took out a bone, broke it, and gnawed it for the marrow. Loki was awake and saw him do this, but he, relishing mischief as much as ever, did nothing to stay the lad.

He put the bone he had broken back in the skins and he left the skins back in the hole above the fireplace. Then he went to sleep on the bench.

In the morning, as soon as they were up, the first thing Thor did was to take the skins out of the hole. He carried them carefully out to the hollow where he had left the goats standing. He put each goatskin down with the bones in it. He struck each with his hammer, and the goats sprang up alive, horns and hoofs and all.

But one was not as he had been before. He limped badly. Thor examined the leg and found out that one bone was broken. In terrible anger he turned on the peasant, his wife, and his son. “A bone of this goat has been broken under your roof,” he shouted. “For that I shall destroy your house and leave you all dead under it.” Thialfi wept. Then he came forward and touched the knees of Thor. “I did not know what harm I did,” he said. “I broke the bone.”

Thor had his hammer lifted up to crush him into the earth. But he could not bring it down on the weeping boy. He let his hammer rest on the ground again. “You will[Pg 106] have to do much service for me for having lamed my goat,” he said. “Come with me.”

And so the lad Thialfi went off with Thor and Loki. Thor took in his powerful hands the shafts of the chariot of brass and he dragged it into a lonely mountain hollow where neither men nor Giants came. And they left the goats in a great, empty forest to stay resting there until Thor called to them again.

Dog Stories

Some short stories about our canine friends written in the late 1800s:


[July 24, 1886.]

You often give us pleasant anecdotes of our four-footed friends. You may think the following worthy of record. I have a little dog, a not particularly well-bred fox-terrier. He is much attached to me, and shows by his obedience, and sometimes in his disobedience, that he understands a good deal. Yesterday I was away all day, and he, I am told, was very uneasy, and searched everywhere for me. Every day at 5 p.m. I go to church. Toby seems to know this is not an ordinary walk, and never offers to come with me. But yesterday, when the bell began, he started off and took up his position by the vestry door. I believe he reasoned with himself, “There goes the bell; now I shall catch the Vicar.”

William Quennell.


[April 4, 1885.]

Reading from time to time many pleasant anecdotes in the columns of the Spectator—which, by the way, I receive as regularly, and read as eagerly, as when resident in England many years ago—relative to the sagacity of dogs, I send the following, thinking it possible you may deem it worthy of insertion.

Some three years ago I was “having a spell” in Brisbane, after a lengthened sojourn on a sheep station in the interior of Queensland. During my stay in the city I had the good fortune to gain the friendship of a gentleman who owned a magnificent collie. My friend, his dog Sweep, and myself, were frequently together, engaged either in yachting among the islands of Moreton Bay, or ‘possum hunting under the towering eucalypti which fringe the banks of the river Brisbane. Naturally “Sweep” (who was a most lovable animal) and myself soon began to entertain a warm friendship for one[Pg 34] another, which friendship gave rise to the anecdote I am about to relate. Returning to my hotel about midnight from the house of a friend, I was not a little startled at finding my hand suddenly seized from behind by a dog, which, however, I at once recognised as my handsome acquaintance, Sweep. I patted him, at the same time endeavouring to withdraw the hand which he held firmly, but gently, between his teeth. It was of no use, as, in spite of all my endearments, he insisted on retaining his hold, wriggling along by my side, and vigorously wagging his tail, as though he would say, “Don’t be afraid; it’s all right.” We soon reached a point in the main street down which we were walking, where a side avenue branched off towards the river. My way lay right ahead. Sweep, however, insisted on my taking the road which lay at a right-angle to my course. I felt some annoyance at his persistence, as I was both tired and sleepy; but, having no choice in the matter, I followed his lead. Having walked some two or three hundred yards down his street, he[Pg 35] released his hold, dancing round me, then running on for a few yards and looking back to see if I were following. Becoming interested, I determined to see what he was after, so, without further resistance, I followed submissively. At last, having reached the river, which at this place was about four hundred yards wide, he, with many joyous barks, ran down the ferry steps, and jumped into the empty boat of the ferryman. At last I was able to guess at his motive for forcing me to follow him. His master, who lived across the river, had accidentally lost sight of his dog returning from his office in the city; and Sweep appeared to understand perfectly that unless the boatman received his fare he, Sweep, would not be carried over, my friend frequently sending the dog over by himself when wishing to attend concerts, &c., invariably paying the fare as of an ordinary passenger. The ferryman, who at once recognised my canine friend, laughed heartily when I told him how I had been served, took my penny, and set off at once for “Kangaroo Point,” Sweep[Pg 36] gaily barking “good-night” until he reached the opposite bank. I heard subsequently that he used to swim the river when left behind; but having had two narrow escapes from sharks, his nerves had become somewhat shaken so far as water was concerned.

J. Wm. Creighton.

[Pg 37]


[Nov. 13, 1875.]

Having often read, with great pleasure, the anecdotes about dogs which from time to time appear in the Spectator, I venture to send you one which has come under my own observation, and which, it seems to me, shows an effort of reasoning implying two distinct ideas—one the consequence of the other—more interesting than many of those clever performances of educated dogs which may or may not be merely mechanical actions.

The dog who performed the following trick was then a great, half-grown, awkward puppy, whose education, up to that time, had been much neglected. It has been better attended to since, and now, although sportsmen probably consider such an animal sadly thrown away upon a lady, he is a very pleasant friend and companion. My two dogs, Guy and Denis, form as capital a pair, for contrast’s sake, as one need wish to see. They are both handsome dogs of their [Pg 38]kind—Guy, a fine black retriever, with no white hair upon him, and, I believe, in the eyes of sportsmen, as well as those of his mistress, a very desirable possession, good-tempered, clever, and affectionate; Denis, as naughty and spoilt a little fellow as ever existed, and a great pet, also black, except for his yellow paws and chest, but covered with long, loose locks, instead of Guy’s small, crisp curls.

Denis is exceedingly comic, and a constant source of amusement. He is very faithful to his mistress, whose bedside during illness he has refused to leave, even for food; but it must be confessed that he is not amiably disposed towards most people, and is a perfect tyrant over the other animals. Some account of the two dogs’ character is necessary, to explain the little scene which took place between them one evening about a year ago. Guy, it must be premised, is at least twelve months younger than Denis, consequently, when the former first arrived—a miserable and very ugly little puppy, a few weeks old, more like a small black jug than any known animal of the canine species,[Pg 39] having had the mange, and lost all his hair—Denis undertook his education, and ruled him so severely that his influence lasted a long while; indeed, even after Guy had grown so big that Denis almost needed to stand upon his hind legs in order to snap at him, the great dog would crouch meekly at a growling remonstrance from the little master, and never dared to invade his rights—to approach his plate of food, or to drink before him. Now a days Guy has discovered his own power, and although too good-natured an animal ever to ill-treat the little dog, no longer allows any liberties, but at the same time, when the scene which I am about to describe took place, he was still under the impression that Denis’s wrath was a terrible and dangerous matter.

And now for my story, which, it seems to me, shows as much real reasoning power in an untrained animal as any anecdote that I ever read. One evening I took my two dogs to the kitchen, to give them the rare treat of a bone apiece. (Dogs were certainly never intended to make Natal their home,[Pg 40] for, in order to keep them alive at all, they should never be given anything that they like, especially meat, and even then the most careful management often fails in preserving them from disease and death.) One of my sisters was with me, and together we watched the dogs over their supper. Guy, with his great mouth, and ravenous, growing appetite, made short work with his, every vestige of which had vanished; while little Denis was still contentedly sucking away at his small share, not very hungry, and taking his pleasures sedately, like a gentleman, as he is. And then Guy began to watch the other with an envious eye, evidently casting about in his mind how he might gain possession of that bone. He was even then, though not full grown, so big and strong that he could have taken it by force with the greatest ease; but such an idea did not cross his mind; he decided to employ stratagem to win the prize. I must mention here, that amongst other naughty practices of my dogs, is that of rushing out of the house and barking violently upon the slightest sound without.[Pg 41] This is Denis’s fault, which Guy, in spite of all my lessons, has contracted from him. With the evident intention of sending Denis out, Guy suddenly started up, and began to bark towards the door in an excited manner, but not running out himself, as he certainly would have done, had he really heard anything. Down went Denis’s bone, and out rushed he, barking at the top of his voice. Did Guy follow him? Oh, dear no! he had no such intentions; he sneaked up to Denis’s bone immediately, picked it up, and ran to the other end of the room. But when he had got it, he did not know what to do with it; there was no hiding-place for him there, and he dare neither await Denis’s return openly, nor risk meeting him at the door. My sister and I were, by this time, both sitting on a bench against the wall, watching the scene between the dogs, and Guy, after running once round the room, with the bone in his mouth, came and crept in beneath my seat, where he was hidden by my dress, and where he lay, not eating the bone, and in perfect silence. Presently Master Denis[Pg 42] trotted back, quite unconscious, and shaking the curls out of his eyes, as much as to say, “My dear fellow! what a fuss you’ve made; there’s nothing there.” He looked about for his bone for a few minutes, but soon gave up the search, and began to amuse himself with other things. After a while, I, forgetting the culprit beneath my seat, rose, and crossed the room, leaving him exposed. Guy was in a great fright; he jumped up, and running to my sister, who was still seated, he stood up with his forepaws upon her lap, and the bone still untouched in his mouth, as though begging her protection. Denis, however, did not observe him, and after a few minutes, Guy’s courage returned, and finally he ventured to lie down, with the bone between his paws, and began to gnaw it, keeping one eye fixed on Denis the while. This, however, was going a step too far. Denis was attracted by the sound, and recognised his own bone the moment that he looked round. He marched up to Guy (who immediately stopped eating) and stood before him. Denis growled, and Guy slowly removed[Pg 43] one great paw from his prize. Denis advanced a step, with another growl; Guy removed the other paw, and slunk back a little, whereupon Master Denis calmly walked up, took possession of his bone, and went off with it.

I am bound, however, to remark that after another half-hour’s contented amusement over it, he resigned the remainder, which was too hard for his small mouth, to Guy, who finished the last morsel with great satisfaction. Now that he is full grown, Guy still gives up to Denis in many little ways, but it is evidently through generosity only, for he has proved himself perfectly capable of taking his own part. But he is very gentle with his little playmate, except at night, when he lies across my door-way—entirely of his own accord—and will allow no one and nothing to enter without my command.